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Faso hears from farmers
Oct 12, 2017 3:03 pm
Patsy Nicosia reports in the Times Journal that Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) and some other members of the House Agriculture Committee listened to farmers Oct. 9 at SUNY Cobleskill about their concerns for the 2018 Farm Bill. Eric Ooms, a Kinderhook farmer and vice president for the New York Farm Bureau asked for for immigration reform to allow migrant farm workers to help. “Congratulations. You’re in Congress. You can fix that,” he said. A dairy farmer, Laurie Griffen of Saratoga Farm, wanted a more effective guest worker program. Other farmers mentioned dairy insurance issues, enforcement of organic regulations, and keeping food stamps in the Farm Bill. Faso did not list the event on his website. Read the full story in the Times Journal.