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Seward, Gibson go Greene Saturday
Nov 04, 2011 12:22 pm
New York State Senator James Seward (R/C/I–Oneonta) will be in Greene County Sat., Nov. 5 in Lexington and Prattsville. In Lexington at 1 p.m., Seward will take part in the dedication of the updated Veterans Roll of Honor in the Town of Lexington near the Kenneth Becker Municipal Building. The monument is being updated to include veterans who served in World War I and World War II. At 3 p.m., Seward joins Congressman Chris Gibson ( R, Kinderhook) presenting new flags to the Prattsville Hose Company, at 14563 Main St. The volunteer department lost their flags during the recent flooding associated with Hurricane Irene. Gibson will also be in Catskill at 10 a.m. for the Greene County "Honor-a-Vet" event at 159 Jefferson Heights, Catskill. Monday at 10 a.m. Gibson will be in Prattsville at the Prattsville Fire Department for another storm recovery meeting.