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Molinaro casts first votes, for rules and IRS lay offs

Jan 10, 2023 12:35 pm

On January 9 new Congressperson Marc Molinaro got to take his first votes. Molinaro cast his first ballot for the new rules in the House of Representatives, which again rein back in the C-Span cameras that had been showing much more than normal during the long process of electing a Speaker of the House. On his second vote, he laid off 87,000 people enforcing the law, as Republicans decided to roll back President Joe Biden's recent hiring at the Internal Revenue Service. Molinaro wrote on Twitter, that, "I just voted to protect families, farmers and small businesses. No problem has ever been solved by empowering more tax collectors - I voted to repeal Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents." Both local Republicans, Molinaro and Rep. Elise Stefanik, voted for the new rules and the lay offs, while Democrats Pat Ryan and Paul Tonko voted against both bills.