WGXC-90.7 FM

The Art of Brian Dewan

Jan 19, 2018: 7pm
TSL Barn

349-351 Columbia St. | Hudson, NY 12534 | 518-822-8448

"Analog Dreams: The Art of Brian Dewan" is a new documentary film about Catskill-based multi-media artist Brian Dewan. Dewan performs, muses on life, and prepares one of his signature filmstrips for a screening. Dewan produces music, audio-visual performances, decorative painting, furniture, poetry, filmstrips, illustrations, and musical instruments. He has worked with They Might Be Giants, David Byrne, and the Blue Man Group. The short film will be followed by a musical performance by Dewan and a Q&A with the film’s director Keif Roberts. Broadcast live on WGXC-FM and at wgxc.org/listen.