WGXC-90.7 FM

Living Land Outing: Hawthorne Valley Farm

Aug 23, 2014: 2pm- 4:30 pm
Hawthorne Valley Farm

327 County Route 21C | Ghent, NY 12075 | 518-672-7500

The Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program is seeking participants for a cultural and artistic outing exploring different habitats at Hawthorne Valley Farm in Ghent. The outing will be led by Farmscape Ecology Program scientists, along with a guest artist. It will involve a group of six to eight participants in an afternoon of multi-sensory activities, ‘botanical portraits’ from found objects, and shared reflections while traveling through three or four different habitats with cameras, notebooks, and botany bags in hand. The outing is free, but registration is required. Information at (518) 672-7994 or hvfarmscape.org/walking-living-land-outings.