WGXC-90.7 FM


Laura Kuhn of The John Cage Trust on WGXC 90.7-FM (Audio)

Sep 03, 2011
In conversation with Galen Joseph-Hunter.
This Saturday afternoon broadcast featured writer, performer, scholar, and Director of the The John Cage Trust, Laura Kuhn. Interviewed by WGXC's Galen Joseph-Hunter, Kuhn describes the her history with John Cage, how the Trust has evolved in it's almost 20 years in existence, and the many exciting projects taking place in 2012 around the John Cage Centennial. Among the projects for 2012, is a collaboration between The John Cage trust and WGXC's parent organization, free103point9. 120 Hours for John Cage is an open call for proposals around Cage's compositions with, for, and about radio. Selected proposals will be broadcast on WGXC 90.7-FM in upstate New York and streamed online throughout a month-long program September 2012. More information about this project is available here.