Audio Buffet: Anna Raimondo

May 12, 2021: 2pm - 3pm

Produced by many contributors.

Anna Raimondo's "Sonic Panoramas" for Saout Radio. Written and edited by Anna Raimondo. Music selection: Chloé Despax. Jingle: Anne Lepère. English translation: Jennifer Herth. Design: Stefan Pollak. Artists: Hannibal Andersen (Dk), Younes Baba-Ali (Ma), Maria Bala- bas (Ro), Youssef Ouchra (Ma), Karen Power (Ir), Anna Raimondo (It), Sama Waly (Eg), carte blanche to Radio Papesse (It). To be or not to be. Being, becoming. Identity has turned into one of the most politicized and slippery spaces. Philosopher and poet Eduard Glissant recognizes Identity is not a monolith idea. We are, because we are in relation with the other. Our roots are like the ones of a plant or a tree, they make us grow by the meeting of other roots and they meet like crossing hands. Guided by these ideas Saout Radio propose one hour immersion in a sonic panorama, exploring the notion of identity through different languages and formats, through different sensibilities and voices. Radio show on audio art curated by Anna Raimondo for Saout Radio commissioned by Alya Sebti for Ifa Galery, Berlin.