The Future is Sited in a Barren Wasteland

Produced by Anaïs Duplan.
The Future is Sited in a Barren Wasteland show image

The Future is Sited in a Barren Wasteland show image. From Anaïs Duplan. (Jan 03, 2022)

The Future is Sited in a Barren Wasteland aired on WGXC from January 2022 to February 2023.

"The Future Is Sited in a Barren Wasteland" is a conglomeration of tunes by contemporary, experimental Black and brown musicians, musings on the future, original poems, readings of letters from host Anaïs Duplan's friends, and interviews. Playing into the points of intersection between wellness practices, theories of liberation, and the avant-garde, these transmissions will survey a range of sounds from around the world and bring together poetry and theory, music, and speech.