New American Radio Archive: Mayako Kubo

Dec 19, 2021: 3:30 pm - 4pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and everywhere

A partnership of New American Radio and Wave Farm.

"I Am 99 Years Old" by Mayako Kubo is featured. A multi-layered and multi-textured collage with two narrative strains: people's voices stating their age, from 99 years down to 1 year of age, and moving towards 99 years again; and interview excerpts that speak about the volatile dynamics of family life and relations. Though musically "fractured," this work builds to an amazingly clear and single listening experience: a sense of our shared humanity. Produced for radio station Sender Freies Berlin, Germany.

In its ten years as a weekly national series, 1987-1998, New American Radio (NAR) commissioned and distributed over 300 original works: conceptual new drama, associational documentary, language explorations, sonic meditations, environmental compositions, musical explorations and works that pioneer new dimensions in acoustic space. Wave Farm is thrilled to be partnering with New American Radio to ensure these works remain available to listeners today and into the future through this streaming online radio channel, a weekly radio show on Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM, and an online archive at

New American Radio was organized by Helen Thorington, Executive Producer and Regine Beyer, Associate Producer. A special thanks to both Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green for their generous support and collaboration of this partnership, and their contribution to the field at large!