About Wave Farm
Hudson Summer Concert Series: Neg-Fi; Family of Love; Slink Moss Orchestra; Norman Douglas; Bunnybrains; Franklin's Mint; Hexual Ceiling; DJ Tom Roe
May 31, 2008: 5pm- 9pm
City of Hudson, New York
Part of City of Hudson Summer Concert Series. Eight shows. A range of sites and sounds starting May 31 at the Waterfront and ending September 6 at the Fountain Park at 7th Street. Experimental. Rock. Jazz. Circus. Kids Rock. Reggae. Punk. Films. Performance. Fun. Diversity! Free admission. Performances from Neg-Fi, Family of Love, Slink Moss Orchestra, Norman Douglas, Bunnybrains, Franklin's Mint, Hexual Ceiling, and DJ Tom Roe at the Hudson Waterfront Park.