Hudson Summer Concert Series: Bindlestiff Circus; The Ping Pongs, Wolfman Jason, Animental

Aug 24, 2008: 2pm- 6pm
City of Hudson, New York

Hudson Summer Concert Series poster

Hudson Summer Concert Series poster. Posted for 2008 free concert series in parks in city of Hudson, New York.

Part of City of Hudson Summer Concert Series. Eight shows. A range of sites and sounds starting May 31 at the Waterfront and ending September 6 at the Fountain Park at 7th Street. Experimental. Rock. Jazz. Circus. Kids Rock. Reggae. Punk. Films. Performance. Fun. Diversity! Free admission. Afternoon show for kids plus music on the theme of Animals including Bindlestiff Circus, The Ping Pongs, Animental, and Wolfman Jason at Hudson's Waterfront Park.