Cage Mix: Static Age

David Schafer
David Schafer Portrait Image

David Schafer Portrait Image. David Schafer (Sep 01, 2012)

Static Age involved the selection and sampling of the Imaginary Landscape compositions numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5 by John Cage from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s. These compositions were digitally captured and placed one after the other in chronological order and layered in sequence on multiple tracks so that they are available for digital playback simultaneously. This formatting created a block of samples both horizontally, unfolding in time, but also stacked vertically. There is something architectural about this, like a wall, but also a marker of a space, a barrier. The sampled compositions were played back and electronically processed while indeterminately performed through electronic effect processing. In this act of processing, the original Cage compositions were consumed and sonically experienced as one continuous sound work—literally producing a block of noise. Noise, generally being the unwanted, is in this situation the intentional and desired result for the radio listener.