WGXC-90.7 FM

Local Director Film Series: Margo Pellitier and Lisa Thomas

Jul 02, 2011: 8pm- 11:59 pm
Athens Cultural Center

24 Second Street  | Athens, NY 12015 | (518) 945-2136

Freeing Silvia Baraldini (2009, 92 minutes) documents the life of former, U.S. political prisoner, Silvia Baraldini who after 15 years as a political activist was arrested by the FBI and sentenced to 43 years in prison in part for her participation in the freeing of Black Panther, Assata Shakur from Clinton correctional facility in 1979. Directors Margo Pellitier and Lisa Thomas will introduce the film and host a Q&A following the screening. Watch a preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMDGw7_rVYg