WGXC-90.7 FM

Wave Farm Artist-in-Residence: Bryan Zimmerman

May 20, 2016 - May 29, 2016
Wave Farm + WGXC Acra Studio

5662 Route 23 | Acra, NY 12405 | 518-622-2598

Bryan Zimmerman Wave Farm Residency Image

Bryan Zimmerman Wave Farm Residency Image. Courtesy the artist. (May 20, 2016)

The Wave Farm Residency Program is pleased to welcome Bryan Zimmerman (Jersey City, NJ). Zimmerman's "Interspecies Radio Shack" is a small, collapsible, shack/lounge/audio-visual installation devoted to the mixing of sounds and images from amateur shortwave radio with sounds and images of nature (specifically insects, amphibians, and birds of the Catskill region). A series of radio works on the subject of amateur radio will be presented inside the shack as well as broadcast on Wave Farm Radio and WGXC. "Interspecies Radio Shack" is being developed for the event Lodge 2016, where it will be available to public audiences in conjunction with weekend festival activities.