Giancarlo Bracchi
Giancarlo Bracchi is a multi-instrumentalist, sonic artist and musician residing in Long Island City, NY. He began playing music at an early age, teaching himself guitar and playing saxophone in school band with additional forays into the violin and other various stringed instruments. In high school, he went on to play in a hardcore band which transfixed his attention to extreme sonics and the cathartic uses of sound. As a solo artist and as part of his duo with Juan Matos Capote Thick Wisps, he has shared stages with Talibam!, Blues Control, Elliott Sharp, Growing, Mudboy and Bunnybrains. He also runs the record label Viking Foundry and records collectively under the moniker Eroded Goat, as well as releasing material under the nom de plume of Mangoon. His most recent works have been an exercise in tone sculpting and synthesis, conjuring galaxious sound ghosts from his instruments; besides utilizing hacked hardware and self assembled theremins, mini-synths, loopers and larger analog synths, Bracchi also explores the sounds of metals grating, chains rolling and decaying wastelands of vocal death. In addition, he also broadcasts a weekly show, DJ Mangoon Presents on free103point9 and has provided interstitial DJ'ing for several special events. His newest project sees him collaborating with fellow free103point9 radio host Tom "Radio Ruido" Mulligan and partner and free103point9 archiving consultant Jennifer Cohlman.