Desert Bloom
2016, 46:22 min.
Christina Kubisch
Desert Bloom was produced in 2016 by German artist Christina Kubisch along with two collaborators: Peter Kutin and Florian Kindlinger. Desert Bloom won a German radio art prize called the Karl-Sczuka Prize. For much of her artistic career, Christina Kubisch has worked with electricity as a primary compositional source. She uses various devices that convert electromagnetic fields into sound that humans can hear. Her work calls attention to the inaudible but ever-present electromagnetic fields that are increasingly part of urban environments coming from computers, security systems, cash machines, internet hot spots, electric grids, and subway systems. Since 2003, Christins Kubisch has conducted “Electrical Walks” that enable participants to walk through a city with specially constructed headphones that enable them to compose their own electromagnetic explorations. Desert Bloom, which is one such meditation on the electromagnetic soundscape was composed specifically for radio broadcast. - Described by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2019/2020, Karen Werner.