WGXC-90.7 FM

Earthwatch: NSA Reform

Apr 04, 2014: 5am - 6am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

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Wave Farm Radio

wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.

Coverage of the Edward Snowden passport petition campaign; NSA 'reform' analysis, Obama's impending 90-day renewal of FISA/FISC, and midterm election motives for Obama's sudden attempt to quell public opposition to being surveilled en masse by the NSA. We examine the latest developments regarding the NSA, bulk phone surveillance, Congressional collaboration, Presidential feints, and fake "reforms" of the ongoing surveillance regime -- including Obama's plan to privatize bulk phone records, and potentially INCREASE NSA cellphone surveillance. From Pacifica Radio.
AMONG TODAY'S VOICES: Former Presidential daily briefer and CIA analyst RAY McGOVERN, FBI whistleblower COLEEN ROWLEY, and RootsAction founder NORMAN SOLOMON, speaking overnight at a press conference petitioning President BARACK OBAMA, State Secretary JOHN KERRY and Attorney General ERIC HOLDER for the return of the passport of NSA whistleblower and Nobel nominee EDWARD SNOWDEN -- whom we shall also hear -- along with Senate Iintelligence Committee chair and Church committee pioneer PATRICK LEAHY of Vermont. MUSIC CREDITS: The Bell for freedom by Stevie Wonder, Love Song for the NSA by Truthstream, Blurred Lines by Brooklyn's own Shorts Show Comedy Players, 500 Files by Tyrannosaurus Rocks, Obama's Watching Me by Taiwanese Animators, Fascism by Sam Sparro, All You Fascists Bound to Lose by Woody Guthrie, The Times They Are A-Changin' by Merry Clayton, Hello NSA by the Overstatists, and Every Bomb You Drop by Spitting Image.