Terry Allen
Terry Allen (Santa Fe, NM) was born in Wichita, Kansas; raised in Lubbock, Texas. He studied at Chouinard Art Institute, Los Angeles and received a B.F.A. in 1966. He has been an independent artist since 1966 pursuing a wide variety of artistic interests, including musical and theatrical performance, sculpture, painting, drawing, video, radio works and installations that incorporate any and all of these media. From 1983-86 he worked almost exclusively on a body of work called Youth in Asia-pieces on the collective trauma we know as the war in Vietnam. His solo exhibits include: Big Witness (living in wishes) at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1989; A Simple Story (Juarez) at the Wexner Center for the Visual Arts, Columbus, OH; Publik Works at the Laumeier Sculpture Galley, St Louis, MO (1998); and Study Drawings by Terry Allen, Gallery 68, Austin TX (2001). His performance, Warboy (Dugout, Part 3 work-in-progress) was presented at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX in 2002 and will be shown concurrently at L.A. Louver Gallery, Santa Monica Museum of Art & LACMA Institute of Art & Culture, Los Angeles, CA in 2004. Dugout (Part 1), an installation, was exhibited at Pillsbury/Peter Fine Art, Dallas, TX (2002).