WGXC-90.7 FM

Sawkill Creek Clean-Up

May 27, 2011: 1pm- 2:30 pm
In preparation for the Tannersville Duck Race on May 28th, the GCSWCD will be sponsoring a stream clean-up of the Sawkill Creek in conjunction with Schoharie Watershed Month. More volunteers are welcome to help Fifth and Sixth graders from Hunter Tannersville Central School in the clean-up. The meeting place will be at the Schoharie Watershed Program Office in Tannersville. For more information contact: Robyn Worcester, GCSWCD Education & Outreach Coordinator, robyn@gcswcd.com, 518-622-3620. For more information on the events of Schoharie Watershed Month, visit www.gcswcd.com/swp/eo/swm or call 518-589-6871.