Mare Liberum

Benjamin Cohen, Dylan Gauthier, and Stephan von Muehlen..
"Mare Liberum," Benjamin Cohen, Dylan Gauthier, and Stephan von Muehlen

"Mare Liberum," Benjamin Cohen, Dylan Gauthier, and Stephan von Muehlen. for Off The Grid at the Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY. (Sketch)

"Mare Liberum," Benjamin Cohen, Dylan Gauthier, and Stephan von Muehlen

"Mare Liberum," Benjamin Cohen, Dylan Gauthier, and Stephan von Muehlen. for Off The Grid at the Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase, NY.

Finding its roots in centuries-old stories of urban water squatters and haphazard water craft builders, Mare Liberum is a collaborative exploration of what it takes to make viable aquatic craft as an alternative to life on land. The project draws from sources as diverse as the ocean-crossing raft assemblages of Poppa Neutrino, improvised refugee boats built in Senegal and Cuba, and modern stitch-and-ply construction methods which make complex, traditional boat designs approachable by novice builders.