Will o' the Wisps

Justin Downs (2009/2013)
Justin Down's "Will o' the Wisps" open circuits

Justin Down's "Will o' the Wisps" open circuits. Photographed by Galen Joseph-Hunter. (Feb 23, 2013)

Justin Down's "Will o' the Wisps" reconfiguration

Justin Down's "Will o' the Wisps" reconfiguration. Photographed by Galen Joseph-Hunter. (Feb 23, 2013)

Will o' the Wisps, a semi-intelligent solar powered meshnetwork, is a continuation of Down’s building objects, using the design principles of self-sustained automation, swarm intelligence, and individual ownership based on DIY techniques.

Writes Downs, “Will o' the Wisps is an experiment in self-sustained systems using environmentally derived power sources. The project consists of six modules (creatures) that operate independently, but coordinate their efforts to perform a common task. Each module implements a solar panel to collect the energy needed to operate (feeding) and communicates using radio transmissions. These mechanisms allow the system’s overall behavior to mimic the interactions of prairie dog colonies.”

Revisited in 2013 to address weathering, the project currently consist of two sets of three modules. One set is networked, where the individual creatures are triggered by motion working together to move viewers around an area in varying patterns. Three additional modules serve as solar FM receivers and are positioned to help guide visitors upon their arrival.

A visualization map accessible at tracks and displays the activity of the networked modules.