Last Transmissions
Selected from an open call, artists 31 Down, Paul Davies, Melissa Dubbin + Aaron S. Davidson, Tarikh Korula, LoVid, neuroTransmitter, and Mendi + Keith Obadike expose otherwise fleeting and invisible transmissions through conceptual projects, networked installations, live streams, and audio-visual works. April 9-June 4, 2005 at New Museum.
Dubbin and Davidson contributed "Last & Lost Transmissions." "Lost Transmissions" is featured here.
In a two-fold project titled "Last & Lost Transmissions," collaborating artists Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson focus on lost and found messages. In "Last Transmissions," the artists rebroadcast an amalgam of final messages made by individuals -- a disc-jockey signing off one last time or a lost sailor's plea, creating an opening into divergent narratives. In "Lost Transmissions," the artists collect and rebroadcast, radio messages that have been lost during the process of transmission. Dubbin and Davidson offer the messages a chance to be found by devoting a small, temporary radio station to their re-transmission.
Dubbin and Davidson contributed "Last & Lost Transmissions." "Lost Transmissions" is featured here.
In a two-fold project titled "Last & Lost Transmissions," collaborating artists Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson focus on lost and found messages. In "Last Transmissions," the artists rebroadcast an amalgam of final messages made by individuals -- a disc-jockey signing off one last time or a lost sailor's plea, creating an opening into divergent narratives. In "Lost Transmissions," the artists collect and rebroadcast, radio messages that have been lost during the process of transmission. Dubbin and Davidson offer the messages a chance to be found by devoting a small, temporary radio station to their re-transmission.