electrostática (Antártica)

Martha Riva Palacio Obón

Obón writes, "electrostática (Antártica) is built from a digital synthesis of two sound bits: homemade ice cracking and wind blowing. I mixed and recycled several times these bits in different frequencies. To get to the final result, I created before two or three soundscapes that were absorbed and reconstructed in the process. The resulting soundscape evokes electrostatic radio signals from an imaginary magnetic South Pole.

Through an artificial, postproduced soundscape I evoke a natural and real one. In the last instance, this project, it’s a reflection about the way we codify landscapes in our imaginarium. It’s my own radio composition, but in contrast with John Cage Radio Music (which was my inspiration), my radio waves are simulated.

I open the fridge and dream of the South Pole."