Over the Horizon

Pietro Bonanno

Writes Bonanno, “Over the Horizon is an electronic composition based on sampling, treatment and interaction of multiple sound sources recorded among short-wave frequencies between 2 and 30 MHz. The idea behind the composition is to create a dialogue between technical frequencies (OTHR, R2DBI and CODAR) and broadcasting (BSKSA Holy Quran, Radio Saudi) to investigate the distance from a geographical and cultural point of view. So Ocean Radars and the voice of the Arab Singer serve as imaginary circumference of a center in which is placed the listener, from anywhere in the world he comes from. The materials—recorded by WebSDR dell’Univesrità of Twente (NL)—were treated with CSound through techniques related to the modulations used in the radio (AM) and granulation. The constant rate of the OTHR is the primary component in the broader rhythm of the composition, hence the title.”