Pietro Bonanno
Pietro Bonanno was born in Palermo, Italy where he graduated in piano with the highest marks in the class of Maestro Renato Giarrizzo and where recieved a MA with honors and honorable mention in Electronic Music in the class of Maestro Giuseppe Rapisarda and Maestro Emanuele Casale. Bonanno furthered his classical and composing studies with Mauro Castellano, Giovanni Damiani, Federico Incardona, playing in Giovanni Sollima Band and teaching Piano and Theory in the local ISME district (Centro Musicale Palermo). Since 2002 he has focused on electroacustic composition in soundscape studies, with a simultaneous interest in the ecological and the multimedia. In 2013, Bonanno founded with Fabio R. Lattuca the VacuaMoenia association, with the intent of study abandoned Sicilian soundscape, through which he participated at FKL Hearing the Pot symposium (Oberhausen DE, 2013), Nuit Blanche 2014 (Paris FR, 2014), SAE Meeting (University of Kent, UK), Klingt Gut Symposium 2016 (Hamburg, DE), and Sonorities 2016 (Belfast, UK). The work 23pg12rl12 was included in the recent “Sound at Work” release for Temporeale (Firenze, IT).