Christopher DeLaurenti

Subaudible Phonography from the Archives of Christopher DeLaurenti Broadcast Image

Subaudible Phonography from the Archives of Christopher DeLaurenti Broadcast Image. Courtesy Christopher DeLaurenti.

Christopher DeLaurenti is a sound artist, improvisor, and phonographer based in Virginia. His sound work encompasses field recordings, electroacoustic and acousmatic music, text-sound scores, free-improvised low-tech electronics, and compositions for acoustic instruments. Christopher’s work appears on various solo, collaborative, and compilation albums by Electroshock Records (Russia), GD Stereo (USA), Locust Music (USA), Resonance Magazine (UK), DRAFT (USA), Soccer Mom Ebonics (USA), reductive music (Spain), banned production (USA), NAISA (Canada), mimeograph (USA), Ambolthue (Norway), and/OAR (USA), SoundWorks (Ireland), dorkbot-Seattle (USA), Public Record (proudly stateless), Present Sounds Recordings (USA), elektramusic (France), Spectropol (USA), and Move Records (Australia).