Damon Loren Baker

Damon Loren Baker is the Assistant Professor of Interactive Entertainment and Emerging Media Technologies Program Director at New York City College of Technology in Brooklyn, NY. Prior positions include, Associate Curator of Art+Design and Technology at UIUC Krannert Art Museum, Research and Development Fellow at Wolfram Research, virtual reality researcher at the Center for Computation and Visualization at Brown University, archaeological lab technician, and a late night public radio jazz DJ. Baker is the video systems designer for the Unreliable Bestiary, "an ark of stories about animals, our relationships with them, and the worlds they inhabit;" he exhibits augmented reality art with Manifest.AR, "an international artists’ collective working with emergent forms of augmented reality as interventionist public art;" is a percussionist and electronicist for Ghost Ensemble, a NYC ensemble specializing in "experimental and experiential music;" is Managing Director of StudioBlue@Citytech, "an interdisciplinary research and development arena;" and augmented reality researcher with the Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center, where mobile AR is employed to explore and express the history of his adopted home.