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Protest empties Common Council chambers

Jul 14, 2015 6:55 am
John Mason is reporting in the Register-Star Hudson Common Council failed to achieve a quorum at its monthly informal meeting Mon., July 13, following a protest by five council members. Present for the meeting were Aldermen John Friedman, Bart Delaney and Rick Rector. Friedman, filling in for Council President Don Moore, said some aldermen were absent "because I'm sitting here." When contacted at home, Majority Leader Tiffany Garriga said the decision to stay away from the meeting was a protest over Moore's decision to have Friedman chair the meeting. Garriga said, “I was voted majority leader. I should be called and asked to chair the meeting. I wasn’t even considered.” Under the City Charter, in the absence of the president, "...the Common Council may appoint any alderman in attendance chairman of the meeting...." Participating in the protest in addition to Garriga were council members Alexis Keith, Ohrine Stewart, Abdus Miah and Robert Donahue. Read the full story in the Register-Star.