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Galvan to buy Coarc Promenade Hill building
Jan 28, 2014 6:58 am
John Mason is reporting in the Register Star the Galvan Initiatives Foundation is buying the Promenade Hill Center Day Habilitation facility, located on lower Warren Street in Hudson. Galvan Board President T. Eric Galloway confirmed the foundation is under contract to buy the property, Mon., Jan. 27. Galloway told the paper Galvan does not have a specific plan for the parcel, but "it is unlikely that we will keep the structure as it is in the long run." The 22,000-square-foot building was built in 1975. The space has been used by Coarc to provide daily programs for developmentally disabled adults since the early 1980s. Those clients will now be served at Coarc's other day habilitation pograms. The sale is expected to be finalized by Sept. 15. Read the full story in the Register Star.