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Lexington considers moving hamlet outside flood plain
Greg Hudson is reporting in The Daily Mail the town of Lexington has been awarded a Sustainable Communities grant from the Catskill Watershed Corporation to look into various flood mitigation options. The options under consideration include the relocation of some hamlet buildings to areas outside the Schoharie Creek flood plain. "They’re looking to explore the feasibility of relocating some structures currently on County Route 13A," Catskill Watershed Corporation Communications Director Diane Galusha said. Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District representative Michelle Yost said a Local Flood Analysis completed in August, resulted in recommendations that some buildings be relocated and the Route 42 bridge be replaced. "There were two structures which could be physically moved away from their location where they are presently at risk of flood damage," Yost said. Galusha said the town has discussed recreating a portion of Main Street outside of the flood plain. However, she said, the evaluation process will be lengthy, and will require the participation of local residents. "They’re going to have a kickoff meeting probably in February, where people will have the chance to give their ideas and feelings about it," Galusha said. The town will explore its options, but there is no guarantee relocating Main Street will be feasible, she said. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.