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Ex Saugerties super sues over sick days
Apr 26, 2019 1:15 pm
William J. Kemble is reporting for the Daily Freeman the Saugerties school district has been sued by its former superintendent, Seth Turner. Turning is alleging the district failed to pay him nearly $39,000 for 50 unused sick days. The lawsuit was filed April 16, in state Supreme Court, almost seven months after Turner left Saugerties to become superintendent of the Amagansett Union Free School District on Long Island. Turner told the district in June 2018 of his plans to leave, effective September 25 that same year. According to the court papers, 50 days of unused sick time was the maximum Turner could claim even though he had 149 days available for use under his contract with the district. Turner's salary for the 2018-19 school year was more than $185,000. He had served as superintendent since 2009. Turner was first hired by Saugerties in 1997, as a special education teacher. Neither Turner’s attorney nor Saugerties Board of Education President Robert Thomann were available for comment. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.