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Hudson storm water project still in limbo

May 21, 2015 7:45 am
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="232"] A portion of Hudson's North Bay.
(Source: Columbia Land Conservancy)[/caption]

John Mason is reporting in the Register Star the city of Hudson’s plans to replace storm water/sewer lines on northern Front Street and lower Columbia and State streets ran into still more complications. During its meeting, Tue., May 19, the Common Council once again postponed taking action on a resolution that would have moved the project forward without an environmental review. The Council's decision to put the matter on hold was made after it was learned the state Department of Environmental Conservation recommended responses to a short-form Environmental Assessment Form differed from the answers provided by project planner Delaware Engineering. The Council postponed further action on the matter until its June 8 meeting. Common Council President Don Moore said he would request the presence of Delaware Engineering representatives and Public Works Superintendent Robert Perry at that time. City officials are pushing to get the project underway because of a $600,000 Community Development Block Grant that could disappear. At the same time there has been pressure from the community to proceed with caution and an environmental review. Opponents of the project say it would release hundreds of millions of gallons of untreated runoff water into the city's North Bay. Read the full story in the Register Star.