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Columbia County homeless plan stalled

Mar 08, 2012 4:41 pm
Nathan Mayberg reports in Register Star the Columbia County Board of Supervisors is no longer considering a five-acre farm in Livingston and a seven-unit apartment building on upper Warren St. in Hudson as potential sites for transitional or homeless housing. A representative of Poughkeepsie-based non-profit Maranatha Human Services shared that organization's vision for a facility with 13 dormitory-style rooms for individuals, and seven rooms to shelter families at a meeting of the board's Human Services Committee, Wed., Mar. 7. Under its proposal, Maranatha would house and provide services and maintain 24-hour staffing, including a nurse to handle medications. The non-profit would provide transportation and counseling, as well. Maranatha does not have a specific location for the facility in mind; it is estimated the shelter could be fully operational in three to five years. Department of Social Services Commissioner Paul Mossman said Maranatha is the most comprehensive provider the county will find. At the close of the special meeting, the committee instructed Mossman to reach out to other organizations for additional proposals, including Catholic Charities. Columbia County expects to spend $490,000 to house the homeless at motels this year. Read the full story in the Register Star.