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Republicans retain control of State Senate

Nov 09, 2016 4:47 am
Matthew Hamilton reports in Capitol Confidential that Republicans held the State Senate, caucusing now with seven Democrats for a working majority, and holding most seats in Nov. 8 elections. GOP Leader John Flanagan released a statement: "Tonight, we have grown our majority in the New York State Senate. With it, hardworking New York taxpayers and their families have chosen geographical and ideological balance, and the accountability that comes with a state government made up of both Democrats and Republicans. We will get right back to work implementing an economic security agenda that makes it easier to afford to live and work here, and ensures that every New Yorker has the ability to dream, to succeed and to get ahead." But Senate Democratic spokesman Mike Murphy said, "With thousands of votes remaining uncounted in multiple State Senate races, we expect more Democratic candidates to win when all New Yorkers’ voices are heard.” Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.