WGXC-90.7 FM

Audio Feature: This week in news for Rep. John Faso

Jan 06, 2018 11:43 am
Here's the week in the news for Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook), the District 19 Congressperson for the WGXC listening area. Faso returned to Washington D.C. this week where Fivethirtyeight.com currently reports Faso votes with Donald Trump's positions 84.7 percent of his votes. Click here to download or play an audio version of this report (6:49).

• Rep. John Faso appeared on Fox News Dec. 30, to discuss immigration, the budget, and taxes.

Claire Hughes is reporting in the Times Union Rep. John Faso attended Republican Steve McLaughlin's swearing-in event as Rensselaer County executive at the county courthouse January 1. Faso did not list the appearance on his website's Public Schedule page. Faso has not listed any public events on his Public Schedule webpage for several months. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.

• Though Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook) represents just a portion of New York State in Washington D.C., he is often tweeting or speaking about Gov. Andrew Cuomo's actions in Albany. He released a statement about Governor Cuomo's "State of the State" Jan. 3 address. Faso wrote, “Gov. Cuomo’s message ignores the reality that our residents are fleeing New York State in record numbers seeking lower taxes and better job opportunities. All of this was happening before federal tax reform. New York ranks 49th or 50th in being unfriendly to business development and Mr. Cuomo said nothing yesterday to fix this problem. Instead, he holds out the false notion of suing the federal government over loss of the SALT deduction, which is a complete non-starter with little legal merit. Changing to a payroll tax system would be extremely complicated and will likely be met with resistance from taxpayers and businesses alike. The solution is to lower the cost of government in New York and make our state a place where businesses can create jobs so our people don’t have to flee.”

WNYC reports that outsider websites are bringing in lots of campaign cash to the Democrats in the 19th Congressional District who want to challenge Rep. John Faso in the November election. “You have an online base who is smart, they’re sophisticated," said Bill Hyers, who advised Mayor de Blasio’s first election campaign and helped Kirsten Gillibrand win a Hudson Valley House seat in 2006, before she became a senator. “They’re going to be choosy (about) where they give their money. And they want to be motivated and inspired by a candidate.” Instead of donating to the Democratic National Committee or the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, people are sending money online to groups such as Swing Left, Code Blue, and NY19votes. All that cash, and interest in the race, has yielded results. “We have volunteers working now to flip the district,” said Dustin Reidy, campaign director for New York 19 Votes. “Whereas two years ago I think the primary campaigns were probably still in their nascent stages.” Read the full story on the WNYC website.