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Agreement reached to protect Bronck Island
Greg Hudson is reporting in The Daily Mail Bronck Island, a 147-acre parcel in New Baltimore, is now under the protection of Scenic Hudson. The land, which is connected to the mainland by a man-made isthmus, is located next to more than 250 acres already owned by the state or protected by Scenic Hudson. The addition of Bronck Island has created a block of 400 acres of protected property along the Hudson River in Greene County. "Bronck Island has always been of interest to us for its natural values and potential recreational value. We’ve been talking to the Zacek family on and off for several years," Scenic Hudson Director of Land Preservation Seth McKee said. The property is a working cattle farm, owned by brothers Karl and Peter Zacek. Under the agreement with Scenic Hudson, the parcel will be conserved while the family will retain ownership and continue to use the land. Scenic Hudson President Ned Sullivan praised the agreement, saying Bronck Island "...contains some of the most important habitats along the entire Hudson River estuary." Scenic Hudson is an environmental conservation organization focused on protecting natural resources throughout the Hudson Valley. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.