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Kinderhook gets new website
Jul 22, 2019 12:03 am
Emilia Teasdale reports in the Columbia Paper that the Town of Kinderhook has a new website, but it is missing lots of minutes of its town meetings, and live web streams of those meetings. Kinderhook resident Ed Simonsen pointed out at the July 8 town board meeting that www.kinderhook-ny.gov only contained town Planning Board minutes through 2017 and that the town’s old website only had the minutes up to May of 2017. As of July 21, recent minutes are now on the website, but it is missing about half the minutes for Planning Board meetings in 2016 and 2017. There are also minutes of town board meetings from 2019 and 2018 missing, and the July 11 Zoning Board of Appeals minutes are not yet posted, but are due online by July 25. And though 2019 technology makes it easy to put live web streams of its meetings on the site, Kinderhook still is not streaming. Kinderhook Supervisor Pat Grattan said the new website “took a lot longer” than the board expected. Peter Bujanow, who is running for town supervisor as a Democrat, said that he was involved in setting up the new website until April, when he was asked to turn over the project to Dee Voss, secretary to the supervisor, and town bookkeeper. Read more about this story in the Columbia Paper.