WGXC-90.7 FM

Closings and delays
Closings and delays for Wed., Jan. 25:
[Updated: 7:45 a.m.]
Chatham Central School District | Delayed two hours. 8 a.m. Regents at 10 a.m. For local exams see website.
Chatham Kids Club | Delayed two hours. Open at 8:30 a.m.
Coarc Adult Transportation | Delayed two hours. Staff report.
Columbia Christian Academy | Delayed two hours.
Germantown Central School District | Delayed two hours.
Germantown Library | Opening at 10 a.m.
Greenville Central School District | Delayed two hours.
Grapeville Christian School | Delayed two hours. Science Fair is still on.
Hunter-Tannersville Central School District | Delayed two hours. No morning BOCES.
Mountain Road School | Delayed two hours. Before care delayed two hours.
New Lebanon Central School District | Delayed two hours.
Pine Plains Central School District | Delayed two hours.
Red Hook Central School District | Delayed two hours.
Rhinebeck Central School District | Delayed two hours.
Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School District | Delayed two hours.