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Hudson Second, Fourth ward candidates talk with voters
Oct 17, 2017 3:21 pm
Daniel Zuckerman reports in Columbia-Greene Media about the candidates running for the second and fourth wards of Hudson after they met possible voters at the State Street A.M.E. Zion Church Oct. 15. Two Second Ward candidates are running just on the Working Families ballot line: Willette Jones, a newcomer to politics, and Victor Mendolia, who lost the Democratic primary and is a former chair of the Hudson Democratic Committee. Current Second Ward Alderperson Tiffany Garriga has been endorsed by the Democratic and Working Families parties for re-election. Rich “Trixie” Volo is running for Fourth Ward alderperson on the Democratic line. Linda Mussmann is running for Fourth Ward supervisor on several ballot lines: Democratic, Working Families, Independence, and Bottom Line. Read the full story in HudsonValley360.com.