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Hunter village residents directed to limit water usage

Sep 09, 2016 6:50 am

Greg Hudson is reporting in The Daily Mail Hunter village water customers have been ordered to cut back on water consumption after the village issued a mandatory conservation notice, Wed., Sept. 7. Village Water Department Chief Operator Joe Myers said the village’s primary water supply is severely depleted due, in large part, to the regional drought since last winter. "The main problem has been a lack of precipitation. We don’t have much of a reservoir and our primary water source is running a little low," Myers said. Customers have been advised to take shorter showers, water their gardens less, and to stop washing cars, filling swimming pools and watering lawns. Water can also be conserved by fixing leaky faucets and toilets, and running washing machines and dishwashers with only full loads. While strongly advising resident to conserve, Myers said the village is not at risk of running out of water. "We do have alternative water sources we can use, which are wells," he said. Myers said ultimately the solution will be rainfall for the mountaintop. He said, "What we’ve been missing is rain and hopefully we’ll get some soon." Read the full story in The Daily Mail.