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Suttmeier addresses BB guns at school

Feb 16, 2017 12:04 am
Victoria Addison and Rosa Acheson reports in the Register-Star that Superintendent Maria Lagana Suttmeier addressed the school board Feb. 13 about two students arrested for having BB guns on Hudson City School District property. Suttmeier would not reveal specific details about the incidents at the meeting, but did send a letter home with students Feb. 14 about the issue. "It’s my communication as to what has happened — what I can legally say at this point — and what we are going to be doing proactively," Suttmeier said in reference to the letter. "Our Hudson Junior/Senior High Schools unfortunately dealt with recent situations that involved two pellet guns being brought on school property on two separate occasions," Suttmeier wrote in the letter. She also said students will hear from administration officials on the issue after winter break. "Our school resource officer is developing curriculum over the February break so when we come back all grade levels six through 12 will be invited to an assembly to talk about the serious nature of these activities they are engaging in and what the ramifications can be," Suttmeier said at the meeting. Read the full story in the Register-Star.