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Hudson Housing Authority appoints new executive director

Mar 22, 2017 6:50 am

Rosa Acheson is reporting in the Register-Star the Hudson Housing Authority has a new executive director. Anthony Laulette starts his new job Mon., Mar. 27, after working for the Buffalo Housing Authority since 2009. During that time, Laulette, 43, worked his way up from a housing aide to an associate management analyst role. "As with any transition to this level, there’s a lot to learn," Laulette said. "I’ve been down to Hudson a couple times and it’s a beautiful, small city." Laulette said he looks forward to carrying out the Hudson Housing Authority's mission in conjunction with the Board of Commissioners. He said meeting regularly with residents of Bliss Towers is a high priority. Laulette also said the proposed federal budget is of particular concern right now. "There are home fronts that would get eliminated; it’s particularly concerning to me, because besides the cuts to pubic housing, there are other cuts that would impact low income residents — Medicaid, Meals on Wheels — it’s going to be an uphill battle, but it won’t be impossible," he said. Laulette replaces Hudson resident Tracy Brown, who will now return to her role on the Board of Commissioners. Brown served as interim director following the retirement of former executive director Jeffrey First in December. Read the full story in the Register-Star.