WGXC-90.7 FM


Performance by Valentina Kvasova. (Audio)

Dec 12, 2018
Recorded using the Wave Farm Radio App.

Valentina Kvasova presented a diverse repertoire of Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Romany songs with deep respect for the folkloric tradition during the Art & Technology Soiree. Kvasova's performance complemented rich contralto vocals with traditional instruments and minimal use of electronics.

Valentina Kvasova hails from the Cossack region of southern Russia. A graduate of choreographic and music schools, she has toured the world as a soloist with the Don Cossacks Song and Dance Ensemble, Riverdance, and the Bulgarian Voices Trio.

This soiree was organized by the NYSCA Electronic Media and Film Program (EMF) with assistance from Wave Farm, and hosted at the newly relocated Fridman Gallery amidst Aura Satz's Listen, Recalibrate, the inaugural exhibition in the Fridman Gallery's new location at 169 Bowery (corner of Delancey).