WGXC-90.7 FM


Nothing Is Real Radio Hour: Debut (Audio)

Jul 30, 2011
Hosted by Sam Sebren.
For the debut of his show, "The Nothing Is Real Radio Hour," Sam Sebren created a brand new audio collage called "Like It Is Now". Made mostly from 1970's sci-fi movies by re-contextualizing audio, Sebren transforms a visual medium into unintended radio theatre that critiques where our world is, since those '70's futuristic warnings. Tune in to WGXC Saturday July 30 from 12 -1pm to hear this new work plus excerpts from "Live At Laney Flea Market", recordings made with an antique record cutter and a stack of blank, plastic, homemade records by Jon Brumit & Lisa Mezzacappa at a swap meet in Oakland, CA in 2007. Jon Brumit is a co-founder of npr, neighborhood public radio.