WGXC-90.7 FM


Distract and Disable: July 2011 (Audio)

Jul 16, 2011
Hosted by Glue Banta (aka Jonny Farrow).
The July episode of Distract and Disable. Hosted by Glue Banta (aka Jonny Farrow). Glue Banta is a disembodied voice, a non-sense name intended to be an invocation to open the subconscious to non-reality; an imaginary and immersive space for the listener; a place where ghosts manifest, aliens walk among us, systems fail and organisms mutate. The program is a performance derived from many different sources: vinyl, cassette tape, digital audio files, live radio, various texts, film soundtracks from DVD, and paranoid internet ramblings, which are subsequently manipulated through various analog and digital means. Playlists and other program related documents/links can be found on the Distract and Disable blog.