WGXC-90.7 FM


Occupy Wall Street News Report. (Audio)

Sep 27, 2011
Interview by Kelly Benjamin for WGXC. 3:10
Kelly Benjamin reports: "The Occupy Wall Street protests continued in Manhattan's financial district for the 11th straight day Mon., Sept. 26. Things have been relatively peaceful in the occupied public square after the mass arrests and pepper sprayings that took place over the weekend. But today, the Hacktivist group "Anonymous" fanned some flames by releasing documents publicly on the internet related to the NYPD officer the group claims is responsible for the pepper-spraying of a group of protesting women on Saturday. Anonymous claims the officer seen in the widely circulated internet video is Anthony Bologna. WGXC's Kelly Benjamin is in New York and spoke with Occupy Wall Street's Patrick Bruner about the incident."