WGXC-90.7 FM


WGXC News: 20111022 (Audio)

Oct 22, 2011
Reports from Tanya Blue, Richard Roth, Julia Reischel and Lissa Harris, Ellen Thurston, Glen Koopman, and Olivia Williams.
Weekly best-of WGXC News show with interviews, reports, and recordings from WGXC volunteers. This week's show includes Tanya Blue interview local stone mason and preservationist Tim Smith; Richard Roth interviewing Susan Boudreau from the Clermont Historic Site about their ghost tours; a few events from Lissa Harris and Julia Reischel of The Watershed Post; Ellen Thurston talking to Peter Biskind about FilmColumbia; a recording by Glen Koopman of the Cairo Planning Board Public Hearing about the proposed Hannaford grocery store in that town; and Olivia Williams and her impressions of Occupy Wall Street.