Bells, Bugs, Whispers & Plinks: Ringing Rocks & Compost Music

Dec 31, 2019: 2pm - 3pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and everywhere

Standing Wave Radio and 1620-AM at Wave Farm

Hosted by Stephen Bradley and Edward Ruchalski.

Track 1: Reimagining Ringing Rocks (1), Bradley & Ruchalski, 2:49
Track 2: Flute Song (from Ringing Rocks), Bradley & Ruchalski, 1:32
Track 3: Compost Song (remix II), Stephen Bradley, 15:40
Track 4: Sun In March, Edward Ruchalski, 6:50
Track 5: Children Sounding, Bradley & Ruchalski, 2:17
Track 6: Vinyl Harbor, Edward Ruchalski, :55
Track 7: Garrison (from A Sound Map of the Hudson River), Annea Lockwood, 5:36
Track 8: Water Gong (from The Glass World), Annea Lockwood, 5:53
Track 9: Chaotic Systems (Andrea Polli), 5:06
Track 10: Throat Flies, Stephen Bradley, 8:23

Bells, Bugs, Whispers & Plinks radio program is inspired by a Wave Farm artist-residency that Bradley and Ruchalski were awarded in summer 2019 that focuses on composed, chance, and found sounds based on different places from around the globe. Other works we are interested in broadcast are based on concepts of serialism and ultra-rationality, acoustic ecology, aleatory and anti-rational, musique concrète, microtonal, lowercase, sound/noise, synthetic and ambient phonographic spaces. Please contact Bradley at ( or Ruchalski ( for information about the program or submission inquiries.