Tracking The Odds: Volume (III): Shelley Burgon, Maria Chavez, Stephan Moore, Suzanne Thorpe

Mar 23, 2020: 3pm - 4pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and everywhere

Standing Wave Radio and 1620-AM at Wave Farm

Maria Chavez

Maria Chavez. Courtesy Roulette Intermedium.

Produced by Roulette Intermedium.

Four distinguished musicians together in a project called Volume, recorded at Roulette on November 19, 2010. Electro-acoustic harpist Shelley Burgon, turntablist Maria Chavez, laptop artist Stephan Moore, and electro-acoustic flutist Suzanne Thorpe, all worth investigating individually, created this haunting, abstract journey in a collective effort. All versed in music technologies, installation, sound design, and improvisation, the group’s credits run through the pantheon of contemporary arts, including works with and/or for Merce Cunningham, Fred Frith, Anthony Braxton, Christian Marclay, Pauline Oliveros, Butch Morris, and dozens more represented in recordings and concerts worldwide.

Tracking The Odds: The Roulette Concert Archive is a monthly hour-long radio special produced by Roulette Intermedium ( and broadcast in partnership with Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM and Standing Wave Radio. The broadcasts feature selected highlights from Roulette’s New York experimental music space dating from the early 1980s to the present. Thousands of rare, formative, and often unheard recordings by innovators and adventurous musicians populate the archive. Tracking The Odds airs the fourth Monday of the month from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. and is archived at

Founded in 1978, Roulette operates a 400-seat concert hall on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn with a focus on experimental and unorthodox music and performance across all genres and media. It's archive of thousands of audio and video recordings is currently being restored.

Pictured: A screening, reading, and performance for Henry Hills' film "Money" at Roulette (1985) with dancer Pooh Kaye surrounded by (L-R) John Zorn, Tom Cora, Ciro Baptiste, (obstructed, possibly Sally Silvers), Abigail Child, Diane Ward, Susie Timmons, Alan Davies, Bruce Andrews, Ikue Mori, Jim Staley, Butch Morris. Photo: Lona Foote.