
eteam's "Re:Fire" at dark

eteam's "Re:Fire" at dark. Photo by Galen Joseph-Hunter. (Aug 24, 2012)

eteam's "Re:Fire" at night

eteam's "Re:Fire" at night. Photo by Galen Joseph-Hunter. (Aug 24, 2012)

eteam's "Re:Fire" in the evening

eteam's "Re:Fire" in the evening. Photo by Galen Joseph-Hunter. (Aug 24, 2012)

Re:Fire is a digital "bonfire." Woven white birth branches serve as an armature for the project. Attendees are invited to log into a local network and select the available fire video imagery. Participants then secure their digital devices to the armature. eteam's Re:Fire "fire" burns out as each device expends its battery life.

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